Tuesday, January 27, 2009

80s Galaxy Retro Game for iPhone

A space shooter constructed entirely of vectors, Act1's 80s Galaxy, is based on one of the most popular arcade games in 1983 was Star Wars: The Arcade Game by Atari. By this point, most arcade games were sprite-based. But Atari decided the vector art that fueled classics like Asteroids and Battlezone was appropriate for recreating the cockpit view of an X-Wing fighter going foil to foil with the Empire's TIE fighters above the surface of the Death Star.


It isn't just the retro look that 80s Galaxy borrows from the arcade classics. 80s Galaxy is also built on a very simple gameplay concept: blow up everything. As you pilot your starfighter through the cosmos, you must shoot down enemy craft as they swirl around you. To fire, you simply tap the enemy. Some foes require more than one shot to destroy. Your enemies fire back, too. Yellow shots streak toward you. When they turn red, they are about to slam into your ship. You must swipe them aside with your fingers. So, the game becomes a balancing attack to tapping ships to shoot them and swiping away bullets just before they hit you, which in turn takes attention away from shooting enemies before they fire out you.

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