Monday, January 26, 2009

iFu Kung Fu for iPhone

Yesterday on Bytemarks Cafe, Russel Cheng of local tech company Oceanit unveiled a new application they’ve developed for Apple’s iPhone (and iPod Touch): iFu Kung Fu.

The app is simple and fun, tapping the iPhone’s accellerometer to trigger kung fu sound effects with each movement. After launching iFu — which introduces itself with a cryptic phrase in Mandarin (that’s really a motto of Oceanit CEO Patrick Sullivan) — users can imagine themselves in a kung fu battle, wielding their iPhone as it converts jabs and swings into whooshes and battle cries.

Russel noted that the iFu Kung Fu app was inspired in part by PhoneSaber, an app that played lightsaber sound effects from “Star Wars.” That app was a resounding success, but was withdrawn after the developer was notified of trademark and infringement issues. Fortunately, it later came back as an official “Star Wars” app.


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